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Abstract Topic: Fundamental and Applied Sciences

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Analysis of Clam Hill Site in Aceh Tamiang Using Geo-electric Method
Rahmatsyah, Rita Juliani, Juniar Hutahaean

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Rahmatsyah Rahmatsyah

Universitas Negeri Medan

The clam hill site is a prehistoric relic which is a pile of million pieces of shells. Disclosure of the fact the formation of the clam site is essential to study. The purpose of this research is to analyze the subsurface area of the Clam Site in Aceh Tamiang. The Wenner-Schlumberger as a type geo-electric method is used in this research which contains six passes. The length of track is 155 m using 32 electrodes with a distance between the electrodes 5 m. Res2Dinv Software and Surfer11 software are used to process the geo-electric data. The results of the analysis obtain the resistivity value of the pile of shell is between 19,5 &

Clam Hill Site, geo-electric, resistivity, Tamiang

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Analysis of Problem Solving Ability Tests on Dynamics Material in Basic Physics Courses
Jonathan Hutapea, Sahyar Sahyar, Sondang R Manurung

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Jonathan H Hutapea

Physics Education Program, Postraduate State University of Medan

This research aims to construct the problem solving ability test questions on basic physical dynamics material according to standards of good test qualifications in terms of validity, reliability, difficulty index and discrimination index. This type of research is development research using research and development methods of Borg and Gall model. The sample in this study were all semester 2 students physics education program of Medan state university. The results of this research indicate that of the 40 questions developed, 14 questions have met the criteria of good questions based on theoretical and empirical analysis. The fourteen questions can be used to measure the ability to solve problems with basic competence to provide solutions to the, (1) material moment of force, (2) moment of inertia, (3) equilibrium, (4) centre of gravity, (5) the law of conservation of angular momentum and (6) the application of Newtons law.

Problem solving, ability, test, physics, dynamics

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Satia Negara(a*), Charunia Fadhilah L.T, Elmanani Simamora

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Satia Negara Lubis

a) Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, The North Sumatra University, Indonesia.
b) Undergraduate of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, The North Sumatra University, Indonesia.
c) Departement of Mathematics of Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences of State University of Medan, Indonesia

Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is one of the agricultural commodities which is a mainstay in country foreign exchange reception managed by national private plantation, private plantation and publics plantation. The objective of the research was to analyze the CPO cost price and to analyze how much profit from CPO production at Sei Silau palm oil mill. Data used in this study are primary and secondary data. The research method used in this research is the method of cost and profit. The results showed that the CPO cost at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III of the Sei Silau Palm Oil Mill was high, this was due to the high cost of purchasing FFB (Fresh Fruit Bunches) at Plantation of the Se induk. And PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III the Sei Silau Palm Oil unit in December 2018 got the benefit, because the CPO cost was lower than the selling price of CPO

Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Cost Price, Profit

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Tukiran S, Surian P, Tagor MS, Lily Suparlina

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tukiran surbakti

National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN)
Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety, BATAN,
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. No. 80 Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, 15342 Indonesia

The principal objective of this study is to formulate an effective optimal fuel management strategy for the RSG-GAS research reactor for equilibrium core. The core management study has been performed by utilizing four basic types of information calculated for the RSG-GAS reactor such as criticality, power peaking, neutron flux and burn-up calculations. This paper presents the results of the burn-up calculations for RSG-GAS LEU fuel elements. The fuel element burn-up using in-core fuel management of operation was calculated using the BATAN-FUEL code. The calculation is performed in one-dimensional radial geometry in WIMSD-5B code using ENDFBVII.0 nuclear data file. The criticality, neutron flux and burn-up calculations were using the Batan-2DIFF code and power peaking factor calculation was using Batan-3DIFF code. The results with this calculations show very good agreement with the experimental data. Reshuffling at 15 MWt step provides the highest core lifetime of the reactor, which is 630 MWD. Besides, the study gives valuable insight into the behaviour of the reactor and will ensure better utilization and operation of the RSG-GAS reactor in future.

burn-up analysis, RSG-GAS reactor, Batan-FUEL, fuel elements

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Comparison of Attractants and Height Traps to Coffee Berry Borer (Hypothenemus hampei Ferr., Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Soban Village, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia
Maryati Sinaga(a*), Lisnawita(b), Maryani Cyccu Tobing(b)

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Maryati Sinaga

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan 3,Padang Bulan, Medan 20155, Indonesia

This study aims to compare the effectiveness of two attractants and three different heights trap to trap coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei Ferr. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). This research was conducted at a coffee plantation in Soban Village, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra, using a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors. The first factor was the type of attractants (control, coffee bean, and coffee bean pod (exocarp)), and the second factor was the height of the traps (1, 1.5, and 2 meters). The results showed that the attractant from coffee beans with a trap height of 1.5 meters gave the best results with the number of adult coffee bean borer trap catches was 1,377.00 adults, and significantly reduced the percentage of attack by 26.95% compared to other treatments.

attractants, coffee, coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, heights trap

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Eddy Ibrahim (a*), Maulana Yusuf (b), Yoga Deniswara (c)

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Eddy Ibrahim

a,b,c) Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Sriwijaya,
Jl. Srijaya Negara Bukit Besar, Palembang, 30139, Indonesia *eddyibrahim[at]

PT.Virginia Indonesia Company (PT. VICO) is one of the oil and gas company which production of coal bed methane. The company is located in East Kalimantan province with the basin are processes namely Kutai Basin. Calculation of methane gas in place of coal bed can be done by several methods such as : material balance, volumetric and desorption test. Each method has its advantage and disadvantages. The method that used by PT. VICO to calculate gas in place at the moment is only the method of material balance. By using that method for calculating gas in place considered less accurate. Therefore we need other method of calculation of gas in comparison and evaluation of whether the value obtained relatively the same. One method of calculation, named volumetric method. This research will analyze the determination of the methane gas in place of coal using a volumetric method at Mutiara field PT VICO, East Kalimantan. The result of this study can be used as a reference company for comparison calculation which method already exists.

Gas in place, Coal bed Methane, Volumetric Method, Depth, Thickness

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Inventory of Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes sp.) and Its Existence in North Sumatera, Indonesia
L Nainggolan (1*), T Gultom (2), M Silitonga (2)

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Letti Nainggolan

1) Postgraduate Program, Department of Biology Education, Medan State University, Jl. Williem Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia.
2) Department of Biology Education, Medan State University, Jl. Williem Iskandar, Pasar V, Medan, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia.

Nepenthes sp. is a carnivorous plant with unique shape and color shades. This unique plant has a special leaf modification called a pitcher which has the capability in catching insects and small animals. The purpose of this research was to know the types and habitat of Nepenthes sp. found in six districts in North Sumatera. The pitcher plants inventoried from South Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli, Humbanghasundutan, Toba Samosir, Dairi and Samosir districts in North Sumatera. The research type and method were conducted by descriptive qualitative and survey method research with a purposive sampling technique. The morphology data of Nepenthes sp. used to identify the types of Nepenthes sp. in North Sumatera. Inventory result of Nepenthes sp. from six districts showed that there were five original species in Sumatera Utara namely Nepenthes tobaica, Nepenthes gracilis, Nepenthes ampullaria, Nepenthes eustachya, Nepenthes rhombicaulis and one natural hybrid species Nepenthes reinwardtiana x spectabilis. Nepenthes tobaica, Nepenthes gracilis had upper and lower pitchers while Nepenthes ampullaria, Nepenthes eustachya, Nepenthes rhombicaulis and Nepenthes reinwardtiana x spectabilis just had an upper or lower pitcher. All species lived in low or high lands and most of them found in peat area, high humidity, and high light intensity.

Nepenthes; Pitcher Plant; Sumatera Utara

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Late Neogene Deformation of Rock Successions at Renah Gajah Mati I Region, Seluma Regency in Bengkulu
Wahidin Zuhri (a), Edy Sutriyono (a), Stevanus Nalendra Jati (a*)

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Stevanus Nalendra Jati

a) Geology Engineering, Sriwijaya University
Srijaya Negara 1, Bukit Besar, Palembang, Indonesia

Studies on tectonic deformation of the Late Tertiary sequence during Late Neogene time has been carried out at the Renah Gajah Mati I region using balancing and restoring techniques, kinematic and dynamic analyses. The Late Neogene deformation was mainly controlled by compression, which has resulted in folding and thrusting. Hence, the rock sections underwent shortening that varied from 1.42-1.83 km or 0.75%-0.78% with the estimated rate of deformation 0.12-0.15 mm/year. Two types of tectonic structures developed within the region, fault propagation folds and trishear faults. The brittle deformation extended sequentially in the direction of tectonic transport, resulting in a series of faults. The generated faults constitute imbricate fans with a relatively closely-spaced thrust system. The array of thrusts is apparently associated with folds that strike NW-SE, implying the geometry of fault-linked folding. The hanging wall anticlines are generally asymmetric overturned folds, indicating a shallow ramping fault with a high shear pattern. In regional context, the general strike of structures within the study area appears relatively parallel to the NW-SE trending Barisan orogen. This feature suggests that tectonic transport responsible for structuring was likely at the NE-SW direction.

Neogene Deformation; Folding; Faulting; Tectonic Transport

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Numerical Thermomechanical Viscous 2D Material Rheology Modeling Enhance by Marker-in-Cell (MIC) Technique
Irwandi Irwandi, Muksin Umar, Fadhli, Khaizal

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irwandi Irwandi

Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

The rheology of a material especially related to mechanical behavior is an important characteristic to understand for product design. Rheology has wide applications for example in nanomaterials, engineering design, biology, and in a large scale case in geodynamics study. Rheology relies on several physical equations such as continuity equation, momentum equation, gravity potential, state equation, heat transfer, and advection equation. The equations seem to be simple, however the application of those equations to a real case is not easy and cause many numerical problems. Marker-in-Cell (MIC) is a technique to solve a numerical rheology modeling problem especially diffusion of sharp gradients during the advection process. The technique successfully simulates the advection process for thermomechanical viscous material for a 2-dimensional case study. The model was initially set up two parts with laterally contrast difference of material characteristics. The lateral density difference of material induced gravitational force and generated circular movement of material. After the simulation was ran the for the 20-time step, the whole material moved more clockwise circulation. The model started to be stable when all denser material at the lower layer and lower density material at the upper part. The model was fully stable and become at stationary state at a time more than 100 time steps. The final simulation result showed that the MIC algorithm successfully simulated the conversion process involving the thermomechanical mechanism with diffusion error control and without breaking the contrast density of the material.

Material Rheology, Thermomechanical Viscous 2D, Marker-in-Cell

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Polyeugenol-modified graphite electrode for determination of hydroquinone in cosmetic
Siti marwati(1,2), Dwi Siswanta(2), WegaTrisunaryanti(2), Isana Supiah Yosephine Louise(1)

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Siti Marwati

1. Chemistry Education Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2. Chemistry Department
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Graphite electrode was modified by electropolymerization of eugenol in alkaline medium by cyclic voltammetry. The polyeugenol-graphite electrode (GEEU) was than used for determination of hydroquinone (HQ) at phosphate buffer solution (PBS) of pH 7.0 by cyclic voltammetry technique. The performance of this modified has shown excellent electrocatalytic activity toward of HQ than unmodified electrode (GE). The reduction of peak separation has been decreased from 0.309 V to 0.228 V. In addition, the effect of scan rates indicate that redox electrochemical behaviour of HQ is diffusion controlled electrochemical process on GEEU. Under experimental, the oxidation peak current increases linearly with concentration of HQ at ranged from 1.42 micro M to 101.07 micro M at the linear regression equation of Ip = 3.86C + 355.20. On the other hand, the oxidation peak current raises linearly with concentration of HQ at higher ranged from 136.67 micro M to 450.50 micro M at the linear regression equation of Ip = 1.69C + 559.72. The LOD and LOQ were measured at lower concentration of HQ, 1.44 micro M and 4.37 micro M, respectively. Moreover, the proposed modified has been successfully applied to the determination of HQ in cosmetic sample with satisfactory recoveries.

eugenol; hydroquinone; voltammetry

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Power Plant Life Cycle Management Framework: A Literature Review
Agus Wibawa (a*), Djatmiko Ichsani (b), Muhammad Nur Yuniarto (c)

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a) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya
b) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya
c) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) Surabaya

The power plant industry has to be able to cope with stringent regulatory constraints, safety and reliability standards. Hence a power plant needs to address those problem by implementing a sound and good asset management practices to ensure level of power plant performance set are met. Usually the power plant performances set by company are difficult to be met by aging power plants. They are hardly capable of delivering the requested performance due to their operational age. Several questions are raised to deal with the aging power plant such as should the power plant be maintained, improved and or discarded? Those questions are difficult to be answered as for any power plant there were great deal amount of money has been involved since the very beginning of power plant construction until their operation stage. Due to this fact a novel approach on how to deal with the problems is proposed in this paper. A novel framework of assets management will be developed by considering many factors and criteria of power plant performance related to efficiency reliability and economics aspect of the power plant through its entire life. The framework is called as Holistic Operation and Maintenance Excellence (HOME). In this paper, the authors would like to present literature survey related to the HOME framework. It is expected that the will be proposed HOME framework will be capable of dealing with problems raised previously based on the works in the power plant asset management previous research reported in this paper. The HOME framework objectives are integrating power plant asset management, obsolescence and economic planning to optimize operation and maintenance, efficiency, reliability and service life of Systems, structures and components. An LCM plan is a guide to make operational & maintenance decision for a piece of equipment over its life cycle. The developed LCM framework addresses a wide range of theoretical and practical issues, including the models, methods, and the strategies employed to optimize power plant asset in term of fuel, operation and maintenance was provide. Potential gap has been discussed and proposed for next research.

Power Plant, Life Cycle Management (LCM), Holistic Operation and Maintenance Excellence (HOME)

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Retrieving Surface Soil Moisture from Optical Satellite Imagery over Medan and Surrounding
Togi Tampubolon (a*), Rita Juliani (a), Juniar Hutahean (a), Jeddah Yanti (b)

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Togi Tampubolon

(a)Department of Physics Education, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
(b)Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Republic of China


Soil Moisture, NDVI, LST, Landsat, Medan

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


Nursiah Fitri

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Nursiah Fitri

Study Program Management Business, Administration Business Department, Politeknik Negeri Medan POLITEKNIK NEGERI MEDAN
Jl. Almamater No. 1 Kampus USU Medan 20155, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to understand the conditions of attributes of MICE destinations in Medan City and strategic development plan for MICE destinations to increase competitiveness using the Cooper method approach in Medan City. This research is conducted using quantitative survey method. Questionnaire and interview are carried out as the data collecting method. The population of this research are the government stakeholders, which are represented by Medan City Tourism Office, and MICE industry entrepreneurs. The sampling technique is conducted by choosing the appropriate respondents which fit the sample criteria. Gap analysis is used as the data analysis method. The outcome of this research shows that the perceptions of the government stakeholders regarding the attribute of MICE are higher compared to those of the MICE industry entrepreneurs. Only the attribute of amenities has low gap, with the value of -0.1. The attribute of attraction possesses the highest gap value. Therefore, it is important for the government to increase the attribute of attraction which includes everything that can be shown to the tourists whether it is culture, natural richesse, or man-made attractions of Medan City to increase the level of competitiveness of Medan City as a tourism destination.

Stratregy, Destination, MICE

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


The Design of Video Technology Based on Scientific Experimental for Geometrical Optics Subject as ICT Implementation
Fitri Ramadani, Sahyar, Juniastel Rajagukguk

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Fitri Ramadani


This research aims to produce media learning in the form of experimental video on the geometrical optics that meets good qualifications which include aspects of validity, practicality and improving learning outcomes. This research is a type of research and development Research and Development (R&D) with the Borg and Gall model. Development of videos on research on reflection and refraction using applications, which will later produce an experimental video on physics learning in schools to improve student learning outcomes.

ICT, experimental video, reflection and refraction

Fundamental and Applied Sciences


The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning Method on Senior High School Students Conceptual Understanding of Heat and Scientific Process Skills
solikin, derlina, nurdin bukit

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solikin solikin

Prodi Pendidikan Fisika Pasca Sarjana Unimed

This study aims to analyze the differences: (1) the conceptual understanding of students taught with inquiry-based learning method and conventional learning, (2) the scientific process skills of students taught with inquiry-based learning method and conventional one. This research employed a quasi experimental method. The population of study was XI grade student of SMA Al Fityan Medan. The sample was chosen randomly. The instrument used in this research were multiple choice questions and observation sheet. multiple choice questions were used to analyzed students conceptual understanding, while observation sheet were used to investigate students scientific process skills. The data of this research were analyzed using independent sample t-test. the results of this study showed a significant difference, that can be conclude as bellow: (1) the conceptual understanding of students taught with inquiry-based learning method are better than the students taught with conventional learning, (2) the scientific process skills of students taught with inquiry-based learning method are better than the students taught with conventional learning.


Fundamental and Applied Sciences


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